Faculty Mentored Projects

In-Depth Study Research Projects

At Lee Academy, one of our primary goals is to help gifted and advanced learners experience a sense of personal fulfillment and realize their full potential. In order to accommodate our students’ broad range of interests, Lee Academy developed its In-Depth Study program. Students in groups LS F through USD (juniors) participate in this long-term research project. They explore areas of personal interest and pursue their own passions through the development of an individual projects. Projects are presented at our Academic Fair.

Evaluation elements include:

Research: methods and materials; depth
Support: depth of research; sufficient details, examples, graphs, etc.
Organization: content follows a logical sequence
Cohesion: material is focused
Format: documentation style used correctly
Mechanics: grammar, punctuation, language,
Visual Aid: effective, clear, detailed, attractive, neat, creative, appropriate
Timely Progress: due dates, completion of elements

Project Grow

is our organic garden project which involves all age groups. Started as a small science project in 2012 after securing a start-up grant from South West Florida Water Management District, Science teacher Sharon Mejia supplied students with the resources and guidance needed to create three separate types of gardens, with an enticing variety of vegetables, fruits and flowers.

At the start of the Fall Semester students work on preparing the ground for sowing, investigating the nature of the soil, learning about composting and premium growing conditions. A variety of seeds are planted and the growing seedlings tended with care and attention. Students take notes of weather conditions, measure water usage, record plant growth and become “problem solvers.”

Senior Capstone Project

All students complete a Capstone Project during their final year of high school. This assignment spans both semesters and involves students selecting a project that will culminate in a research paper and a final product. Students keep a portfolio of their work and findings throughout the process, discussing their progress with an adviser. In addition to a school adviser, students also work with a mentor within their field of study. Projects have included: 3D Printing in the Medical Field, Cybersafety, Combatting Poverty through a Psychological Approach, Nutritional Psychology – How Depression and Food Affect the Brain, and The Detrimental Effect of Cyberbullying and How to Prevent It.

The project is designed to encourage students to think critically, problem-solve, to work on research and presentation skills, to plan, set goals and meet deadlines. These kinds of skills will be invaluable to students as they enter the world of higher education and the world of work. This year’s projects include the Medical Aspects of 3D Printing and Cybersafety. Presentations will take place in May.