© 2016 Lee Gifted Academy | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED – Design by www.thewriteonecs.com
· Application, Visitation & Assessment $ 150.00
· Registration fee for each new student $ 500.00
We keep tuition at an affordable level, well below other private schools in the area, thus allowing more families to consider providing their children with a program suited to the needs of their gifted or high-ability learner. Since we also maintain small class sizes, tuition covers only 80% of the actual cost of educating each child. Supplementary fundraising is crucial to the health of the school and improvements to our program and our campus. While the median national fundraising donation for parents in an independent day school is $1,700, Lee Academy operates in a much more efficient model and has set its Base Program Improvement Support at $500 per family. Proceeds from this fundraising are designated for program improvements, equipment, and facilities.
In an effort to allow our families to participate in the improvement of the campus, we accomplish most repair & enhancement with the assistance of our families. Those who do not wish to participate in the campus beautification weekends during the school year are assessed a campus improvement fee of $500.00 per family, which will be utilized to offset costs to maintain and improve the campus. *If a minimum of ten hours of work is performed by the family during the campus improvement weekends, the campus improvement fee will be removed and credited to the final scheduled tuition payment.*
Lee Academy utilizes signed reservation agreements to obligate itself for faculty and other expenses for the 2024-2025 school year. Since the removal of a student from Lee Academy after the execution of this agreement would have a significant financial impact on Lee Academy, the policy for refunds is as follows: Prior to May 15, 2024 – All payment will be refunded to the family except for $2,500.00; Prior to September 1, 2024 – $5,000.00 will be retained by Lee Academy from fees paid (or invoiced) and the remainder refunded to the family; Prior to October 1, 2024 – $7,500.00 will be retained by Lee Academy from fees paid (or invoiced) and the remainder refunded to the family; From October 1, 2024, – Full tuition and fees are payable upon removal.